3 Ways to Escape the Mount Position in BJJ

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling Martial Art where the main goal is to acquire a submission by applying pressure on different parts of your opponent’s body. Three of the most common ways to use pressure techniques are chokes, holds and locks.

If you use chokes, you will be applying pressure to stop the blood flow towards the brain and face. Other ways of employing chokes comprise of restricting air-flow where your goal will be to apply pressure to the windpipe so the opponent is unable to breathe and therefore loses consciousness.

In both cases, no matter what kind of pressure you choose, your goal is to acquire submission and stay in the dominant position. Once you are in the dominant position, your opponent will try their best to escape your attack and this struggle is a fundamental aspect of BJJ.

bjj mount


The Importance of Learning to Escape The Mount Position

As a beginner in BJJ, you will come across many different guards and mount styles that will help you acquire dominance. However, very few of these styles will give you complete dominance. Experts in the field of BJJ say that no matter what level you are, the only pure dominance will be felt in the mount positions. The reason for this is that the mount position is one of the most difficult positions to escape. Even if you have an opponent who is just a beginner but if he gets into the mount position, there is a high chance that he will be able to acquire complete dominance and you will be left with no other option but to submit right away.

To escape the mount, your best strategy is to know when and how to make your move against an opponent based on his weaknesses and lack of anticipation. With the right amount of practice and studying of the technique, you will polish the execution of escaping the mount with a high success rate.

Since the mount position is known to be the hardest to escape, we have listed some of the relatively easy techniques that you can use to escape from this position. Eventually, you will learn how to avoid getting into these defensive positions and this will help you increase your chance of success as well.

shrimping mount escape


3 Ways to Escape the Mount Position in BJJ


Bridge and Roll

This is a basic and one of the most effective escape routes. Once your opponent is in the mount position, you will start with a light bridge. This light bridge will create a small gap, offering you some space and causing your opponent to lose balance. Now is the correct time to get your hands out of the opponent’s grip and get them tightly wrapped around the upper body of your opponent.

The next step is for you to place one hand under your opponent’s arm and the other hand over the opponent’s other arm.  You then clasp your hands together tightly behind the opponent’s lower neck area. After you lock him tightly, then adjust your foot to make a scoop so that as you bridge and roll, your opponent and you can switch positions. The foot scoop will be used to not only escape but also to acquire the dominant position.



Shrimping Escape

This escape is one of the most effective yet a little complex, so practicing the technique will allow you to execute it smoothly. You will start by gripping your opponent from the belt and pulling him towards your head. This way, your opponent will lose balance and he will use his hands to touch the floor to regain his balance. Now, you will have enough wiggle room to twist to one side and bend your knees to get them closer to your chest. This will allow you to push up and away from your opponent in a 45 degree angle.

The main idea is to create small wiggle rooms. With every wiggle room you create, twist and move away in a 45 degree angle. Most people create small wiggle rooms but then attempt to force the opponent off them because they want to escape in one swift movement. As a result of this extreme effort, they get stuck even more.

Once you have created enough space under the legs of the opponent, bend your knee and get it across their thigh. Do the same with the other side. Usually, you will be done in two moves but sometimes you have to repeat the process until you are completely free.



Foot Drag

Foot drag is a very simple method that works against a larger or heavier opponent. You will start by lightly bridging to create space and turn to one side. This will throw your opponent off-balance. You will then use your foot to scoop under your opponent’s leg at the ankle and then wrap your other foot over the leg that you have just scooped. The idea is to use both your feet and make a trap around your opponent’s leg. From this position, press your forearms against the quads of your opponent’s trapped leg.  In a swift motion, get your body under your opponent’s arm and shrimp to the opposite side.  This will destabilse your opponent even further and you will have lots of options to transition to a dominant position.



Escapes for Different Attack Configurations



Final Thoughts

To sum it all up, it all comes down to technique and skill. Learning to escape is one of the most vital skillsets for every grappler. When your opponent is in the mount, he might not have to move at all because he has a better grip on the situation. Being in a submissive state, you have to learn to escape to get out of the pinned situation.

As a beginner, you might struggle at first. However, with the right technique and practice, you will be able to execute the most appropriate escape plan. We have mentioned three main options but it is up to you to select the most appropriate option for your situation. Experts in BJJ recommend that it is better to learn all techniques.  Once you have acquired an understanding of the techniques you can then select the technique that is most appropriate for the position that you are in.


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