Travel for Martial Arts

There are so many benefits of travel. You broaden your mind by learning about other cultures, acquire new life experiences and discover new things and places. Imagine combining this with some awesome Martial Arts training - a Martial Arts holiday!

Respect in Martial Arts

Respect - A Cornerstone of Martial Arts

Lately, I have noticed a really disturbing trend in the belief system of some men – young and old.  There is a consistent theme of entitlement and the corresponding message that women must be owned and controlled.  One would think that in a progressive world shared by men and women, each individual (man or woman) should reserve the right to the freedom of their own expression so that they may reach their full potential.

Martial Arts Way

Way of the Martial Artist

Martial Arts has been popularised by its prominence in action movies and the rise of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).  It is well-known for producing elite athletes, professional fighters and effective self-defence techniques.  All of this have been excellent for individual pursuits and entertainment value.

But is this all there is to Martial Arts?  I don’t think so!  I believe that Martial Arts serves a higher purpose for the individual and for society.  I came across the writings of a source unknown to me, who sought to explain how Martial Artists should conduct themselves and how this conduct could lead to a better world for all its inhabitants.  I coin this The Way of the Martial Artist.

One Humanity

People have been through troubled times recently.  Racial tensions are at an all-time high amidst one of the most severe pandemics humans have faced.  You would think that as the human race, we would band together to overcome our common danger, but this situation has served to show us how selfish we can be.

The racial divide is an issue that has stood the test of time, probably since the dawn of man.  Seeing all the violence against human beings has really left me feeling down and helpless.  I wanted to share a quote by a person who inspired me as a young child to enter the world of Martial Arts.