Ninjutsu, also known as Ninpō, Shinobi-jutsu, is a holistic discipline that is centred around the practice of guerrilla warfare and espionage. Ninjutsu practitioners or Shinobi utilise a diverse range of techniques which include, striking, grappling and weaponry. The Martial Arts syllabus of Ninjutsu is only a single component of the wider body of knowledge studied within the discipline. The chief aim of a Shinobi is to become a completely natural being that is capable of effectively utilising their environment and their skills to achieve their goal.
Pencak Silat is a hybrid Indonesian Martial Art that incorporates striking, grappling and weapons. It is predominantly practiced within the Southeast Asian countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore and falls under the umbrella name Silat. The viewpoint of this Martial Art is extremely practical as can be observed from its name.
Sanda, formerly known as Sanshou is a holistic and full contact fighting system that combines traditional Kung Fu with modern combat methods. The fighting system, which was developed by the Chinese military, is multifaceted and includes close range kickboxing with grappling techniques, throws and sweeps. Sanda is also referred to as Chinese Kickboxing.
A Korean Martial Art that is characterised by jumping and spinning kicks, high kicks and quick flurries of kicks. Taekwondo focuses on landing kicks and strikes above the waist only. It is a Martial Art that seeks to instil principles of morality, respect and the cultivation of an indomitable spirit within its practitioners.